ADHD: I told you so, it’s genetics, not bad parenting!
The world’s largest and most comprehensive study on the origins of ADHD concludes, that 12 different and distinct loci are directly linked to ADHD, making it undeniable ... It’s genetics, not bad parenting!
The world’s largest and most comprehensive study on the origins of ADHD concludes, that 12 different and distinct loci are directly linked to ADHD, making it undeniable … It’s genetics, not bad parenting!
Even though Dr. Barkley specifically explained how ADHD is a neurobiological, genetic and highly heritable, specific neurodevelopmental disorder, all the way back in his 1997 book “ADHD and the Nature of Self-control”, which is where the first unifying theory of ADHD was put together and which has since gone done in history as the prevailing unifying scientific theory of ADHD, even today, that ‘bad parenting’ do not and cannot make a child develop ADHD, the broad public still thinks to believe that it must be due to ‘bad parenting’, anyways.
A COMPLETE explanation for what ADHD really is, really does and how to treat it – 30 videos that explains every aspect of ADHD, in detail. Dr. Russell A. Barkley, Ph.D., is the world’s foremost scientist on ADHD and have been so for more than 40 years. He is also a dear friend of mine, who took time away from his busy schedule to help me understand what ADHD is, when I was lost and trying to regain control of my life, when diagnosed at age 40. He has since become my (unofficial) mentor and still to this day, help me – help you – understand everything about ADHD. And besides that, he is a a very nice, caring and giving human being – which we all owe a great gratitude, for him helping us make our lives with ADHD more manageable. Thank You, Russ!
Fast forward 20 years and we got the proof that ADHD caused a delay in the physical growth of the brain at around 30% lag in maturation of the Inhibitory Control function, that is developed AFTER the Motor Control have already gone online, which is what really causes the hyperactive, impulsive and inattentive behavior characteristic of childhood ADHD, not ‘sensory overload’, ‘artificial food-coloring’ or ‘too much sugar, iPad or gaming’.
Since around 2013, the movement toward attributing ADHD to diets, OMEGA-3 fatty acids, cesarian birth, ‘Insecure Attachment’ and lastly, microbiota have all muddied that waters, and yet again, the general public sided with the notion that ADHD was probably due to parents giving their children way to much Western Style Diet (fast-food, sugary substances, food-coloring etc.) instead of more Kale and fish oil supplements. For a full rundown on this subject (balanced) read this systemic review.
Now, 10 years after that, scientists from all over the world (more than 140 scientist collaborated on this study) have proven that ADHD can be related to 12 distinct loci in the human genome. (A locus (plural loci) in genetics is a fixed position on a chromosome, like the position of a gene or a marker (genetic marker).
This was (or has to be) the straw that broke the Yoga-stretching, Quinoa-eating, Prius-driving, Instagram-posting, Camel-toe-showing, Millennial’s back, and now we can get back from wasting our time on countless mediocre ‘scientific’ studies, trying to manipulate scientific evidence, to fit one’s own agenda of promoting ‘psychobiotics’, ‘neurofeedback’, ‘Scientology’, ‘Big Pharma Conspiracies’, ‘Pedagogical Psychology before Medication’ or any of the claims made by a few and daily repeated mind-numbingly by people who are trying to desperately fit in with the ‘in crowd’.
Finally, We The People, who actually suffer from this disorder, may even get some recognition, especially the parents of those who suffers from ADHD, as to the fact that all their malevolent rhetoric about US may now subside … for ever …
READ’EM’N’WEEP – You’re done, game over, goodbye …
If you still cling on to your little straw, then here’s a few other articles that might help you ‘undo’ your false beliefs and emotionally based ‘Alternative Facts’ …
See how Scientology ‘explains’ ADHD … WARNING – ‘ADDspeaker is not reliable for any harm that might result in getting into their manipulative world – enter at your own peril!’
Excellent video that describes what ADHD really is …
Explains how Dopamine works in the Brain and what the difference is between medical use and substance abuse … ADHD causes a chronic Dopamine insufficiency in the brain, which is why we need medicine. Since our natural level of Dopamine is so low from birth, medication is needed to raise our Dopamine levels to near normal, so that neuroplasticity can help us overcome our deficits and impairments.
Explains how neuroplasticity works (and why ADHD medication can help alleviate symptoms of ADHD, if taking early in life and up until age 30.
Dr. Barkley explains what ADHD does to our Executive Functions
Dr. Barkley explains the neuroanatomy and neuropsychology of ADHD
Video from ‘ADHD Awareness Month 2018’
Article that explains how Social Cognition is both the same, and very different between ADHD and ASD.
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